The Nativity Fast begins on November 15 and concludes on December 24, and gives individuals the opportunity to prepare for the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord and Savior in the Flesh on December 25. By abstaining from certain food and drink, as well as focusing more deeply on prayer and almsgiving, we can find that the primary aim of fasting is to make us conscious of our dependence upon God.
"THE MESSENGER" St. John's monthly newsletter and calendar. To read it just click on the button: Hymn to St. John the Baptist The memory of the just is blessed And the witness of the Lord, shall be sufficient for you, O Forerunner. For you were shown forth, as more venerable than the prophets. And found worthy to baptize in the water Him whom you proclaimed. Therefore you were a champion for the truth, And pleased to bring good tidings even to those in Hades. That God made manifest in the flesh, takes away the sins of the world, And granting to us the great mercy. We support Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry.
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